Former Taste the World events:
Taste the World was presented the first time after our tour to Jordan, March 2010. Wishing to share our travel experiences with the public at home in Ringkøbing, we organized an evening with food, stories and images.
Italy, October 2012 - music, song and story telling with the musician Nando Citarella. Prior to the evening we performed I Maltagliati and organized a two days pasta course with Carla Diana from Rome.
Japan, May 2011 - dance, performance of Japaneese Taiko drums, sushi, music, readings.
Argentina, October 2010 - The Odin Theatre Husorkester played Argentinian and Danish tango. Ana Woolf from Buenos Aires gave tango lessons.
Jordan, May 2010 - Photo exbitibtion by Jordanian children, stories and images from the tour of Teatret OM, dishes from Jordan.
Syria - February 2018. Programme:
- Concert with "Syriens stjerner" by Nour Amora and 4 other famous Syrian musicians.
- Dance
- Poetry reading (Syrian, Danish)
- Syrian specialities made by Badriddn Abdulrazak Domani
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