Scenographic Lab: scenography, costumes and props
Scenographic Lab has collaborated with:
- Buñuelos, Espacio Crearte, Buenos Aires, (Arg)
- Naturkraft, Ringkøbing (DK) Se mere her.
- UERGS State University of Rio Grande do Sul, UERGS, (BR)
- Teatret OMs 30års udstilling på Videbæk Kunstpavillion. Se mere under installationer.
- Afslutningsevent, Aarhus 2017 kulturby i Hvide Sande
- Strandingsmuseet, Thorsminde. Se mere under installationer.
- Odin Theatre (DK) for Holstebro Festuge and the performances Salt, The Cronic Life, Grotowkskiana (35 years anniversary)
- The Bridge of Winds (DK)
- Athletes of the Heart (UK)
- Coop. Oltre (Italy)
- InterAkt, Malmö (Sweden)
- Zakharef in Motion Dance Festival, Amman (Jordan)
- Dah Teatar Research Centre, Belgrade (Serbia)
- Compañia Nomad Teatro, Las Palmas (Spain)
- Musikdramatisk Teater Holstebro (DK)
- Van Body Theatre, Taipei (Taiwan)
- Haya Cultural Centre, Amman (Jordan)
- The Children’s Museum of Jordan, Amman (Jordan)
- Al Jalila Culural Centre for Children, Dubai (UAE)
- Design of Holstebro Bazar, Municipality of Holstebro (DK)
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